sustainable energy and cleaning solutions
sustainable energy and cleaning solutions

Sanrgy designs, engineers and install environmental control systems for computer rooms, process cooling equipment for factories, comfort cooling and heating systems, commercial refrigeration systems, refrigerated fixtures and ice making equipment.

Knowledge and experience are critical to the success of any job. The complexities often inherent in industrial applications leave absolutely no room for miscalculation. Therefore, it is vital to use an experienced single-source facilities services company that understands the importance of detail.

We are a total facilities services company providing the Midwest with facilities, energy and mechanical construction engineering, design, installation, repair and maintenance. We offer  commercial heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration services such as HVAC design/build, repair, retrofits, maintenance and installation services.

Our knowledge and experience enables us to respond to the particular needs of each client, regardless of job size in the most effective way. We are constantly adapting to the ever-changing regulatory environment. We are capable of making the fast changes often required by shifts on project schedules, cost considerations and the never ending search for the best end result.


sustainable energy and cleaning solutions
sustainable energy and cleaning solutions

For more information on Sanrgy’s building management systems CONTACT US