sustainable energy and cleaning solutions
sustainable energy and cleaning solutions

Solar Energy Federal Tax Credit: Residents and businesses receive a tax credit worth 30% of the cost of buying and installing a Photovoltaic solar system.  This legislation is part of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (section 1336-1337).  As of January 1, 2006 the federal government allows you to take 30% tax credit right off whatever taxes you would other wise owe the IRS.  After the stimulus package, this can be taken as a grant.
Federal Modified Accelerated Cost-Recovery System: Under The Federal Modified Accelerated Cost-Recovery System(MACRS), 26 USC § 168 businesses can recover investments in solar, wind and geo-thermal property through depreciation deductions.  For solar, wind and geo-thermal property placed in service after 1986, the current MACRS lifetime class is 5 years.
Solar Renewable Energy Certificate: The New Jersey Solar Renewable Energy Certificate (SREC) is a tradable certificate that represents all the clean energy benefits of electricity generated from a solar electric system. Each time a solar electric system generates 1000 kWh (1MWh) of electricity, an SREC is issued which can then be sold or traded separately. This makes it easy for individuals and businesses to finance and invest in clean, emission free solar power.

Renewable Energy Systems Improvement Grant:  Agricultural producers and rural small businesses may be eligible for a grant that pays up to 25% of the project cost.   This program grants up to $500,000 per renewable-energy product.  Awards are made on a competitive basis.

Mortgage Interest: There are interest deductions on any systems financed.

For more information on how these solar incentives can help your business please CONTACT US

sustainable energy and cleaning solutions
sustainable energy and cleaning solutions